The Ethical Advantage in the Modern Workforce

Categorised as Business, Education, Ethics, success, Writing

By: Lara Darwish

In an era defined by rapid technological advances, global connectivity, and evolving societal norms, how do we determine what is right or wrong? The 21st century has introduced unprecedented challenges to traditional ethical frameworks, compelling humanity to confront moral dilemmas that were inconceivable just a few decades ago. Issues such as the ethical use of artificial intelligence in education and healthcare, debates over vaccines or the lack thereof, and whether to include pronouns in personal identification can spark fervent arguments in almost any context—arguments that previous generations scarcely had the cognitive space to entertain.

I am reminded of Spinoza’s final line in Ethics“Sed omnia praeclara tam difficilia quam rara sunt”—translated as, “All things excellent are as difficult as they are rare.” Reading those words filled me with a sense of lightness, a profound validation of my inner ideals coming from Spinoza himself! As someone who years ago, got labeled with ‘bloated idealism’ simply because I expected what I believed to be the bare minimum in certain situations, this spoke to my heart. Over time, through lived experiences and hard-learned lessons, I’ve come to understand that excellence is not everyone’s ambition. Some find contentment in the ordinary—a satisfaction that is, admittedly, their prerogative and that’s okay. However, as someone who is deeply self-aware and often self-critical, sometimes to fault, I find myself immersed in the relentless pursuit of what lies beyond the average.

Spinoza’s reflection resonates profoundly in today’s workplace too. In an era where advanced technology triggers anxiety and fear of replacement in some fields, it is imperative to view this panorama through a more objective lens. Technology undoubtedly has the potential to replace humans in tasks where human effort may no longer be necessary or efficient. For instance, AI is more likely to replace individuals whose knowledge, skills, competencies and ethical codes fail to align with the demands of this era. We live in a perpetually evolving world—a progressive socioeconomic landscape that requires a progressive kind of human, one who is both sophisticated and humane with a clear moral compass, and the ability to adapt to the complexities of modern life while embracing technological advancements responsibly.

Excellence in organizational ethics requires more than just policy-it demands the cultivation of trust at every level, from transparent leadership to accountability among colleagues. Trust fosters a work environment where individuals strive for integrity and mutual respect. Today’s workforce operates in an intricate web of cultural diversity, technological integration, and global interconnectedness, which underscores the necessity of fostering ethical practices, both, collectively and individually. Recently, Meta, the parent company of Facebook and Instagram, dismissed several employees for abusing the company’s meal credit program. Investigations revealed that these employees exploited the system by selling meal credits for personal profit, violating company policies. They were found to have misused $25 meal vouchers to purchase non-food items such as toothpaste, tea, and wine glasses. Notably, an employee earning $400,000 annually was among those terminated, prompting some to question why Meta—a company with a market capitalization of approximately $1.54 trillion as of January 2025—would fire staff over $25 vouchers. The answer lies not in the monetary value, but in the principle of trust. The decision underscores that ethical conduct and integrity are foundational to maintaining a workplace built on accountability and mutual respect.

In another case, the renowned global consulting firm McKinsey & Company faced a lawsuit exceeding $650 million due to its strategic advice to a pharmaceutical client. The firm was accused of failing to recommend that the client properly label the dangers of opioids, a significant oversight with far-reaching ethical and legal implications. This case highlights the critical role of ethical responsibility and accountability in corporate consulting, particularly in industries where public health and safety are at stake. In an era where business decisions extend far beyond profit margins, ethics play a fundamental role, particularly in industries that directly impact human lives and well-being. Neglecting these principles not only leads to legal and financial repercussions, as seen in the McKinsey case, but also erodes trust, a cornerstone of sustainable success.

Collective evolution is an individualistic endeavor. Now replace evolution with the word success or another synonymous. To foster a winning culture, individuals within the workplace must take ownership of their actions and responsibilities, and what those entail on a partnership level. The following are key practices that every professional can adopt to uphold high ethical standards and contribute to a trustworthy and principled work environment.

Walk the Talk

Every professional should treat clients as if they were the owner of the entity they work for, prioritizing their best interests with genuine care and commitment. Each employee is an ambassador of the organization, and their actions—especially when no one is watching—should consistently reflect the company’s core values. Going the extra mile to ensure that clients feel valued is not just a matter of duty; it is a demonstration of true professionalism and ownership. When employees act with this mindset, they cultivate trust, loyalty, and long-term relationships that benefit  the client, the company and surely themselves .

We have all experienced poor customer service at some point, and when that happens, our frustration is rarely directed at the individual alone. Instead, we associate the negative experience with the business itself. This underscores the importance of every member´s role to uphold the organization’s reputation through their actions. Ethical business practices begin with individual accountability, and true excellence is achieved when employees embody the values they expect their company to stand for.

Give Credit Where It’s Due

One of the greatest indicators of trustworthiness in the workplace is an individual’s ability to genuinely acknowledge and give credit where it is due. Few things erode trust faster than witnessing someone take credit for another person’s work or failing to recognize contributions that deserve acknowledgment. To me, both actions are equally dishonest, as they undermine the integrity of professional relationships and the collaborative spirit that drives success.

Trustworthy individuals not only recognize the efforts of others but also take every opportunity to highlight and celebrate their contributions. They understand that success is rarely achieved in isolation and that a strong winning culture is built on mutual appreciation and respect. Conversely, I believe that those who lack confidence in their own abilities often feel threatened by the presence or achievements of others. Instead of fostering growth and collaboration, they withhold recognition, keeping others in the shadows so they can shine alone, or think they do.

Collaborate and Elaborate

Collaboration is one of the most essential competencies in the modern era, especially in the post-pandemic world. The ability to work together across disciplines, industries, and borders has become a fundamental requirement for progress. In fact, most global challenges today—whether climate change, economic instability, or public health crises—cannot be solved by any single entity alone. These pressing issues require nations, industries, and individuals to unite and develop solutions that transcend individual interest.

However, it is often those who are insecure in their own abilities who struggle with collaboration. They see teamwork not as an opportunity for collective success but as a threat to their individual recognition. Believing that helping others means letting them get ahead, they withhold knowledge, resist cooperation, and attempt to shine alone. A truly effective team is one that not only works together but also elaborates on shared ideas, refining and improving them through collective intelligence. The most effective teams are those that foster an environment where open dialogue, mutual support, and shared expertise drive innovation and long-term success.

Staying faithful to our values has its own reward, it provides us with a life of dignity and purpose, something like a life well lived. And what is a life for if not to be well lived?

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